Answering the Phone
- Sep 20, 2018
I relearned how to answer the phone in an unfamiliar speak. I’ve been jogging my memory with a lot of memories that I don’t actually have. Kind of like Wile E. Coyote suspended in space after he dashes off a cliff edge before his cartoonish descent. This kind of false recollection is like loitering midair.

Though, there’s something energizing about knowing that I answer the phone in Japanese like some sort of absurd, unfortunate cartoon villain. I’ve felt pretty ridiculous doing many of the tasks I used to be able to tune-out during. Taking out the trash, driving on the left side of the road, monitoring my volume, even piloting the spaceship-like toilets. All these things require an almost comical amount of effort now.
I’m sure there’s an inspirational quote I could insert at this point
As I remember, Wile E. Coyote, the character I’ve chosen to represent myself here, communicates for the most part only in signs and gestures, much the way I’ve had to. I’m excited about working on articulating myself all over again. Is there a word for starting over from before a point from which you can remember?
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Cheered On In The Unfamiliar